Hungry Boy

Find the ghost of hunger.

Hungry Boy Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • Price:
  • Free
  • Publisher Name:
  • By Falco Software
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows 10, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows, Windows NT, Windows Server 2016, Windows 2000, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows XP
  • Additional Requirements:
  • None
  • Total Downloads:
  • 1

Hungry Boy Tags

Hungry Boy Description

The Hungry Boy went hunting for an empty stomach and is now angry to the point of impossibility, but there is still food along the way, and along with it those who guard it, not letting you get enough, and at the end of the way you will find the ghost of hunger! Hungry Boy - This is an adventure platformer shooter in which you have to destroy enemies, overcome various obstacles, collect food and look for a way out of the level. Game Features: - Hardcore - Pleasant Pixel Art - The Boss

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