Blood Sugar And Insulin

Blood Sugar And Insulin - a full featured information about how to maintain a good health

Blood Sugar And Insulin Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Free
  • Price:
  • Free
  • Publisher Name:
  • By Fitness Attitudes
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows 95, Windows Vista, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 3.x
  • Additional Requirements:
  • Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista
  • File Size:
  • 596.66K
  • Total Downloads:
  • 1298

Blood Sugar And Insulin Tags

Blood Sugar And Insulin Description

Blood Sugar: You have approximately 5 litres of blood traveling around in your blood vessels and heart at any given moment. In these 5 litres of blood, you need only about one teaspoon of sugar for all of your regular activities. If you have more than a teaspoon of sugar floating through your blood vessels on a regular basis, the excess sugar will slow down your circulation and cause all of the problems you could expect to have if you had thick maple syrup clogging up your blood vessels. This is essentially what happens when a person becomes diabetic. In order to keep the amount of sugar floating through your blood vessels at around a teaspoon, your body releases insulin whenever you eat foods that result in sugar entering your blood stream. Most carbohydrates fit this category. Sugar, most sweeteners, grains, cookies, pastries, cakes, lead to a release of sugar into your blood stream. Insulin works by stimulating your cells to sponge up this excess sugar. Once inside your cells, sugar is used for energy, with any excess amount being converted to fat tissue. Excess insulin is known to cause: · Weight gain, since insulin promotes the storage of fat · Lower cellular levels of magnesium, a mineral that is essential for keeping your blood vessels relaxed and your blood circulation efficient · Increased amounts of inflammatory compounds in your blood, which can cause direct physical damage to your blood vessel walls + encourage the development of blood clots which can lead to heart attacks and respiratory failure · An increase in sodium retention, which leads to holding excess water in your system, which causes high blood pressure · A reduction in HDL cholesterol, an increase in undesirable small molecules of LDL cholesterol, and an increase in triglycerides, all of which increase your risk for heart disease · Possibly a higher risk for cancer due to insulin's ability to contribute to cell proliferation. Blood Sugar And Insulin application is a simple ebook that was designed to give you a full featured information about how to maintain a good health.

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