
An Announce.js client for Django

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  • Oz Katz
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django-announce Description

django-announce is an Announce.js client for Django.Announce.js is a node.js + server used for adding real-time notifications to your existing web application. This project adds easy Announce.js integration for Django, thus enabling you to easily add real-time notifications to you exiting Django applications.Before installing and using the client, make sure you setup Announce.js using this guide.Installation- install the client either by cloning this repo, or, if using pip, by using the following command: pip install django-annonuce- add announce to INSTALLED_APPS in your file.Configuration- add 'announce.middleware.AnnounceCookieMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSESsettings. right above SessionMiddleware. this will take care of setting the authentication cookie.- in your templates, add {% load announcetags %} at the top of the template. inside your < head > tag, add {% announce_js %}. this will include the proper < script > tags for you. place this tag above any js files that use the announce.js client.- the following optional settings are availabe:- ANNOUNCE_CLIENT_ADDR - defaults to 'localhost:5500'. should probably be changed for production.- ANNOUNCE_API_ADDR - defaults to 'localhost:6600'.- ANNOUNCE_HTTPS - defaults to False. whether or not Announce.js is setup to use SSL.UsageNow, from a view, emit a message to a user:from announce import AnnounceClientannounce_client = AnnounceClient()# This is our pseudo view codedef comment_on_blog(request): post = Post.objects.get(...) # Process stuff, handle forms, do whatever you want. announce_client.emit(, 'notifications', data={ 'msg' : 'You have a new comment!' } ) # Some other things happening here.. return render_to_response('blog_post.html', ctx)In your HTML code, add the following JS snippet, to receive this notification on the client's side:// use .on() to add a listener. you can add as many listeners as you want.announce.on('notifications', function(data){ alert(data.msg);});// .init() will authenticate against the announce.js server, and open the WebSocket connection.announce.init();Your client should receive an alert with the notification. the channel name (notifications) and the data you send are completley up to you, so be creative and use it wisely.If you have more than one channel we want to listen on, we can also chain these calls:announce.on('notifications', function(data){ popupNotification(data.msg);}).on('alerts', function(data)}{ alert(data.alert_msg);}).on('something-else', function(data){ $('#someDiv').html(data.htmlContent);}).init();Product's homepage

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