
Tangram::Tour is a guided tour.

Tangram::Tour Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Sam Vilain
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~samv/

Tangram::Tour Tags

Tangram::Tour Description

Tangram::Tour is a guided tour. Tangram::Tour is a guided tour.INTRODUCTIONIn this tour, we add persistence to a simple Person design.A Person is either a NaturalPerson or a LegalPerson. Persons (in general) have a collection of addresses.An address consists in a type (a string) and a city (also a string).NaturalPerson - a subclass of Person - represents persons of flesh and blood. NaturalPersons have a name and a firstName (both strings) and an age (an integer). NaturalPersons sometimes have a partner (another NaturalPerson) and even children (a collection of NaturalPersons).LegalPerson - another subclass of Person - represents companies and other entities that the law regards as 'persons'. A LegalPerson has a name (a string) and a manager (a NaturalPerson).All this is expressed in the following UML diagram: +---------------------+ +--------------+ | Person | | Address | | { abstract } |1-->-*|--------------| |---------------------| | kind: string | +---------------------+ | city: string | | +--------------+ | +--------------A--------------+ | | +-------------------+ +---------------+ +--*| NaturalPerson | | LegalPerson | | |-------------------|manager |---------------| V | firstName: string |1------+Requirements:· Perl Requirements: · Perl

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