
A Plone portlets product to build composite pages

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  • Erico Andrei
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Products.CMFContentPanels Description

A Plone portlets product to build composite pages Products.CMFContentPanels is a repackaging of CMFContentPanels a Plone portlets product to build manageable composite pages.You can create new content object which is composed of other contents as configurable 'content panels'. You can change the layout, the panel skin and the content viewlet through the web.This repackaging is intended to support projects migrating from earlier versions of Plone (2.x) to newer ones (3.1.x).Installation To use this product, on a buildout based installation: 1. Edit your buildout.cfg and add Products.CMFContentPanels to the list of eggs to install ... eggs = Products.CMFContentPanels After updating the configuration file you need to run the ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system. Go to the 'Site Setup' page in the Plone interface and click on the 'Add/Remove Products' link. Choose the product (check its checkbox) and click the 'Install' button. Uninstall -- This can be done from the same management screen, but only if you installed it from the quick installer.Extending Products.CMFContentPanels (For Developers)New viewlets Viewlet is a view of content which can be selected in contentpanels. Viewlet can be a zpt or a zpt macro. Viewlets are registered with CMF Action mechanism. 1. Write a viewlet for your content. You can refer to stuff at 'CMFContentPanels/skins/cp_viewlets', where are default viewlets. 2. All viewlets are registered in portal_contentpanels. You can also register viewlets using: from Products.CMFContentPanels import registerViewlets registerViewlets(you_viewlets) With this way, if you reinstall CMFContentPanels, your viewlets configuration will not lost.How to make viewlets configurable 1. Viewlet configuration form fields can be define in a macro with name: '(your_viewlet_macroname)_viewletconf' For example, '' has 2 macros: 'base_portlet' and 'base_portlet_viewletconf' 2. The form fields will be showed and saved automatically 3. Your viewlet can use the form variables in a dict named 'viewletOptions', for example 'viewletOptions'How to add new panel skins You can define a new css wrapper to define a new panel skin: 1. Customise contentpanels_skin.css.dtml, write your new css wrapper there 2. Go to ZMI 'portal_contentpanels', in the properties view, add your new wrapper there.Credits * Simples Consultoria for sponsoring the eggfication of this product. * "":, a leading Zope Service provider in China. runs the biggest Chinese Zope community in China - "": (China Zope User Group). We are trying to make Zope/Plone works better for Chinese people. * ausum's "CMFPortlets": , many idea comes from CMFPortlets. Thanks! * The Rounded panels technique is from Denis Mishunoff's how-to: report and feature request In the "Products.CMFContentPanels product area": you can report bugs and request new features.

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