
Python-like functions for Perl

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  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Hauke Lubenow
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Acme::Pythonic::Functions Description

Python-like functions for Perl The programming-language "Python" offers some basic string-, list- and other functions, that can be used quite intuatively. Perl often uses regular-expressions or special variables for these tasks. Although Perl's functions are in general more flexible and powerful, they are slightly more difficult to use and a bit harder to read for human beings. Acme::Pythonic::Functions is a Perl module that tries to mimic some of Python's functions in Perl. So maybe Python-programmers switching to Perl or programming-beginners could feel a bit more comfortable with them.SYNOPSISThe following script "" shows the usage of the functions. A ready-to-run version of it can be found in the "examples"-directory in the module's tar-ball: use Acme::Pythonic::Functions; # If you use Perl 5, Version 5.10 or higher, please change the # comment-character in the two following "use"-statements: use Perl6::Say; # use feature 'say'; say "Strings:"; $a = "Hello"; if (endswith($a, "ello")) { say '$a ends with "ello".'; } if (isin($a, "ll", "s")) { say '"ll" is in $a.'; } $a = "2345"; if (isdigit($a)) { say '$a is a digit.'; } $a = " Line "; say lstrip($a); $a = replace($a, "Line", "Another line"); say $a; say rstrip($a); $a = "Hello"; if (startswith($a, "He")) { say '$a starts with "He".'; } say len($a, "s"); say; say "Lists:"; @a = ("a", "b", "c"); $b = "d"; @a = append(@a, $b); saylist(@a); @a = ("a", "b", "c"); @b = (1, 2, 3); @a = extend(@a, @b); saylist(@a); if (isin(@a, "c", "l")) { say '"c" is in @a.'; } @a = insert(@a, 1, "a2"); saylist(@a); say len(@a, "l"); @a = remove(@a, "a2"); saylist(@a); say; say "Hashes:"; %a = ("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3); if (has_key(%a, "c")) { say '%a has a key "c".'; } if (isin(%a, "c", "h")) { say '%a has a key "c".'; } say; say "File-related:"; if (isdir("/home/user")) { say "Is directory."; } if (isfile("/home/user/myfile")) { say "Is file."; } @a = ("a\n", "b\n", "c\n"); if (isfile("test12345.txt")) { say 'File "test12345.txt" already exists. Nothing done.'; } else { writefile("test12345.txt", @a); @c = readfile("test12345.txt"); for $i (@c) { $i = rstrip($i); print $i . " " ; } say; } say; say "System-related:"; say osname(); sub saylist { for $i (@_) { print $i . " " ; } say; }In the "examples"-directory mentioned above, there's also a a Pythonic-Perl-version of this script called "" and a corresponding Python-script called "" for comparison. Requirements: · Perl

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