
Command-line script to keep usernames/passwords in gnupg encrypted text files

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  • GPL
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  • Graham King
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kip Description

kip is a command-line script to keep usernames and passwords in gnupg encrypted text files.InstallMake sure you have a gnupg key pair: GnuPG HOWTO.Latest release:sudo pip install kipLatest dev:1. Clone the repo: git clone Install: sudo python installStorekip usernameWhat it does:1. Generates a random password2. Writes username and password to text file ~/.kip/passwords/example.com3. Encrypts and signs it by running gpg --encrypt --sign --armor4. Copies the new password to your clipboardAdd optional notes: kip username "My notes". You can also pipe in your password of choice: echo S3cret | kip usernameRetrievekip example.comWhat it does:1. Looks for ~/.kip/passwords/**, decrypts it by running gpg --decrypt2. Prints your username in bold, and any notes your stored.3. Copies your password to the clipboardMiscConfigurationIf you want to use different commands to encrypt / decrypt your files, want longer passwords, etc, you can. Copy kip.conf from the repo to ~/.kip/kip.conf, and customise it. It's an INI file, using = or : as the delimiter. Make sure the home path does not end with a slash.MotivationGnuPG is secure, open, multi-platform, and will probably be around forever. Can you say the same thing about the way you store your passwords currently?I was using the excellent Keepass when I got concerned about it no longer being developed or supported. How would I get my passwords out? So I wrote this very simple wrapper for gnupg.If you live in the command line, I think you will find kip makes your life a little bit better.Manual overrideThere's 0 magic involved. Your accounts details are in text files, in your home directory. Each one is encrypted with your public key and signed with your private key. You can ditch kip at any time.Browse your files: ls ~/.kip/passwords/Display contents manually: gpg -d ~/.kip/passwords/facebookProduct's homepage

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