
Django app models to handle image sprites to speed up page loads that have multiple small images

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  • MIT/X Consortium Lic...
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • John Fink
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django-sprites Description

django-sprites is a Django app with two bundled models that handle Sprites and their associated SpriteItems.* A Sprite is a combined image, consisting of one or more SpriteItems, each of which is an image intended to be used as an image background for an HTML element.* Combining these background images into a single image can enormously save on load times. There is a lot of time loss in sequentially requesting multiple images from the same server, and only 2-4 can be requested simultaneously. So if you have 20 or 30, that could add hundreds or thousands of milliseconds to your overall page load.* Each SpriteItem contains the info actually relevant to your site design, like the image itself, dimensions (which are calculated), HTML attributes like class and id, and these are used by the model methods to generate styling, full CSS lines, and/or an HTML tag source with the relevant image behind it and any input HTML inside.Product's homepage

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