
Generates sitemaps compatible with the Google News schema

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django-news-sitemaps Description

Generates sitemaps compatible with the Google News schema django-news-sitemaps is an implementation of sitemaps with news specific tags as defined by Google's News Sitemaps specification. It is just regular Django sitemaps with a couple other tags added in specifically for news publications.InstallFor starters, just place news_sitemaps into your INSTALLED_APPS and then you can load the default urlconf like so:urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^admin/', include(, ... (r'^news-sitemaps/', include('news_sitemaps.urls')),)This will create a /news-sitemaps/index.xml which is a sitemap index of all available sitemaps which will appear by section at urls like /news-sitemaps/< section >.xml (more on this later)SettingsThree new settings are defined to control content of your news sitemapsPUBLICATION_NAMEThe proper name of the news publication. It must exactly match the name as it appears on your articles in, omitting any trailing parentheticals. By default it is "The Example Times" so please set this.PUBLICATION_LANGUAGEThe language code of your publication. It should be an ISO 639 Language Code (either 2 or 3 letters). Defaults to Django's LANGUAGE_CODE setting.PUBLICATION_TIME_ZONEThe timezone suffix for your news publication. Defaults to "-5:00" (America/Eastern)Adding SitemapsTo add your own news sitemaps you must register them with the app first. Here is a quick and dirty example of creating a news sitemap for Django's Comments:from news_sitemaps import register, NewsSitemapfrom django.contrib.comments.models import Commentclass CommentSitemap(NewsSitemap): limit = 5000 def items(self): return Comment.objects.filter(is_public=True,is_removed=False) def lastmod(self, obj): return obj.submit_date def genres(self, obj): return 'UserGenerated, Opinion'register(comments=CommentSitemap)Then the comments sitemap will appear on your index sitemap and you will be able to access the actual sitemap at /news-sitemaps/comments.xml.Notice the genres method. There are a few new methods in addition to the normal Sitemap methods which are news specific. They are: title, access, keywords, stock_tickers, and genres. Please refer to Google's News Sitemaps specification for more info on how to use them correctly. Requirements: · Python · Django

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