
Simple and Lightweight but Powerful and Open Source CMS only for e1337 people

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  • BSD License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Denis Darii
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django-e1337cms Description

django-e1337cms is a simple and lightweight but powerful and open source CMS only for e1337 people.The project code and bugtracker is hosted on Bitbucket and Github.InstallationThere are a few different ways to install e1337cms:Using pipIf you have pip install available on your system, just type:pip install django-e1337cmsIf you've already got an old version of e1337cms, and want to upgrade, use:pip install -U django-e1337cmsInstalling from a directoryIf you've obtained a copy of e1337cms using either Mercurial or a downloadable archive, you'll need to install the copy you have system-wide. Try running:python developIf that fails, you don't have setuptools or an equivalent installed; either install them, or run:python installHow to use e1337cms?If you have already installed e1337cms, you must proceed with the configuration of your project.Configurationvery simple, in three steps:1. Add e1337cms To INSTALLED_APPS2. Include the 'e1337cms.urls' urlpatterns at the end of your urlpatterns.#. Optional: Modify Your, declare your INDEX_PAGE_SLUG and RST_SETTINGS settings.Below the long explanation of each step...Add e1337cms To INSTALLED_APPSAs with most Django applications, you should add e1337cms to the INSTALLED_APPS within your settings file (usually = Optional: modify Your settings.pyWithin your, you’ll need to add some settings in order to personalize the e1337cms behaviour for your project.You can define:- INDEX_PAGE_SLUG - a string, the page slug to be rendered when no another slug is passed (default: 'home')- RST_SETTINGS - a dict, using this option you can pass additional settings as dictionary through the rst template block to the underlying docutils.core.publish_parts function. (default: {})How can I try e1337cms functionality?1. Obtain a copy of e1337cms repo: hg clone ssh:// Navitate in testsite folder inside this repo: cd django-e1337cms/testsite/3. Create a virtualenv: virtualenv /tmp/e1337cmsenv/4. Activate the virtualenv: source /tmp/e1337cmsenv/bin/activate5. Install all requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt6. Do a syncdb: python syncdb7. Start the server: python runserver8. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000.9. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/e1337cms/page/add/ to add some pages.Some examples of page contentThe content will be rendered as a django template. The "rst" blocks will be passed to docutils and converted to HTML.Page with rst blockcontent:{% load e1337tags %}{% rst %}My h1 row========={% endrst %}another content, bla, < strong >blu< /strong >, bli...Page which extends a templatecontent:{% extends "base.html" %}{% load e1337tags %}{% block title %}e1337::{{ page.title }}{% endblock title %}{% block body %}{% rst %}My h1 row========={% endrst %}another content, bla, < strong >blu< /strong >, bli...< p >html content< /p >{% endblock body %}Product's homepage

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