
Google::Adwords::KeywordEstimate is a Google Adwords KeywordEstimate Object.

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  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Mathieu Jondet and Rohan Almeida
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Google::Adwords::KeywordEstimate Tags

Google::Adwords::KeywordEstimate Description

Google::Adwords::KeywordEstimate is a Google Adwords KeywordEstimate Object. Google::Adwords::KeywordEstimate is a Google Adwords KeywordEstimate Object.METHODSAccessors (read-only)* id - The existing keyword id, if any, to which this estimate corresponds. For a new keyword, the id is -1.* lowerAvgPosition - The estimated lower position for ads triggered by this keyword.* lowerClicksPerDay - The estimated minimum number of clicks per day for this keyword.* lowerCpc - The estimated minimum cost per clicks for this keyword.* upperAvgPosition - The estimated upper position for ads triggered by this keyword.* upperClicksPerDay - The estimated upper number of clicks per day for this keyword.* upperCpc - The estimated upper cost per click for this keyword. Requirements: · Perl

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