
Easy::Options allows processing using Getopt::Long as the underlying options processing package.

Easy::Options Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Theo Lengyel
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~dirt/Easy-Options-0.01_01/lib/Easy/Options.pm

Easy::Options Tags

Easy::Options Description

Easy::Options allows processing using Getopt::Long as the underlying options processing package. Easy::Options is an easy to use, feature rich general purpose option processing using Getopt::Long as the underlying options processing package. Contrary to the Getopt::Long package, and despite the fact that this refers to "options", it will also process required arguments. This is distinct from the '=' options specifier in Getopt::Long, which states that __IF__ the option is listed on the command line, then it must have a value. With Easy::Options you may specify also that a program requires the argument to have a value even if it isn't specified on the command line.Please don't flame me for the lame documentation here. I banged out this little bit of documentation just so there would be __something__. I intend to add more for later releases.Also, please don't flame me about the tests. I have partially completed tham, and I am working on finishing. Right now, there are no real tests run. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Easy::Options; my @mama_is = qw( sweet ); my %optargs = ( 'mama|mom|mother' => , ); my %options_target = (); my %options = easy_options( optargs => %optargs, target => %options_target )NOTABLEIf you do not specify a 'usage' or 'help' options in your %optargs, then one will be inserted for you. When invoked, the usage() routine will print out a usage message(somewhat verbose) which includes information about the available options, listing REQUIRED options first followed by OPTIONAL options (alphabetically within their respective groups). For each option, the options type is listed along with its current value, followed by the < DOC_STRING >. Requirements: · Perl

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